Experts have been researching autonomous vehicles (AVs) and the future of the workforce for over a decade.
A pervasive media narrative suggests that AVs will eliminate jobs. Research has instead found that AVs will create new jobs spanning many skill levels and areas of expertise. Here’s what we know.
America is the Birthplace of AV Technology
The leading automation companies were founded in the U.S. Maintaining our global leadership will strengthen American workers’ ability to compete in our global economy.
The Driver Shortage
is Slowing Our Economy
The average trucker is nearly 50 years of age and the industry is struggling to attract new workers. Automated trucking alone could increase GDP by more than $68 billion over 30 years.¹
AVs are Already Creating Good Jobs for Americans
The AV industry has already introduced thousands of jobs into the American economy and could create up to 450,000 more over the next 15 years.²
AVs Will Introduce New Types of Jobs
Many of these jobs won’t require a 4-year college degree, and will span multiple areas of expertise and interest. They’ll also remove transportation barriers to employment for those with disabilities.³
AVs Will Be Deployed Over Time, Not Overnight
Changes to our workforce won’t happen overnight. The impacts will be gradual and spread across several decades, minimizing impacts on individuals’ careers.

“The true value of automation lies in its ability to enhance human capabilities, not replace them.”
Automation And The Future Of Work
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¹ Macroeconomic Impacts of Automated Driving Systems in Long-Haul Trucking | ² Opportunity AV: How Many and What Types of Jobs Will Be Created by Autonomous Vehicles | ³ Economic Impacts of Removing Transportation Barriers to Employment for Individuals with Disabilities through AV Adoption